Monday, December 31, 2012

Colours in your life

Last post of the year. :)

Colours have a remarkable impact on you, both physically and psychologically. When you understand the effects of certain colours, you can begin to use them to create a specific reaction. Colours influences your brain waves, your nervous system and hormonal activity.

If the colours in your life seems to be frozen, make yourself a bit hotter ;) and melt the colours!

Meaning of Colours:

RED: Red is the most dominant and dynamic colour. Red is activating, stimulating, passionate, exciting, powerful and expanding. If your favourite colour is RED, you are action oriented with a deep need to experience life through the five senses. 

ORANGE: Orange is very stimulating, active, cheerful and sociable. If your favourite colour is ORANGE, you have a great need to be with people, to socialize with them and be accepted and respected as a part of a group. You also have a need for physical or social challenges. 

YELLOW: Yellow is very happy and warm. It draws people out and makes people more talkative. Yellow encourages optimism and hope and helps to focus attention and stimulate intellect. If your favourite colour is YELLOW, you have a deep need for logical order in your everyday life. You can inspire others and create new ideas. I love this colour at times, but then when it comes to supporting, I never support Yellow. 

GREEN: Green is very calming, relaxing, balancing, healing and tranquil. It represents growth, vitality, abundance and nature. Green stimulates possibility and is inspiring. If your favourite colour is GREEN, you have a deep need to belong, to love, to be loved and to feel safe and secure. I kinda hate this colour.

BLUE: Blue is calming, healing, soothing and relaxing. Blue characterizes dependability, trustworthiness and security. It increases creativity, contemplation and spirituality. If you love BLUE, you can find the inner peace and truth, to live your life according to your ideals and beliefs without having to change your inflexible viewpoint of life to satisfy others. 
No wonder why i'm in Blue house since 7th Standard! :P 

PURPLE: Purple represents nobility, abundance and dignity. It is very soothing and calming and is often related to intuition and spirituality. If your favourite colour is PURPLE, it shows that you need emotional security and you want to create order and perfection in all areas of your life, including your spiritual life. You also have a deep need to initiate and participate in humanitarian projects and help others in need. That's my favourite colour! <3 Shams and Nancy too love purple.

BLACK: Black shows sophistication, power, elegance, mysterious and modernity. Lovers of BLACK are powerful an can control their emotional insecurities. Another favourite colour of mine. <3

WHITE: White represents clarity, innocence, cleanliness, spirituality, purity, hope and openness. If WHITE is your personality colour, you know to maintain simplicity and to be independent and self-reliant so you do not need to depend on anyone else. I hate this colour!

BROWN: Brown is stable, grounding, reliable and comfortable. Lovers of BROWN are safe, secure and simple with supportive family and friends. DAD! :)

PINK:  Pink is sedating and charming. It also symbolizes love and romance. If you are a PINK lover, you have deep need to be accepted and loved unconditionally. Regina's favourite colour!

TURQUOISE: Turquoise recharges our spirits during times of mental stress and tiredness, alleviating feelings of loneliness. It has the ability to enhance empathy and is caring.  If TURQUOISE is your favourite colour, you know to create emotional balance in your life, to be able to express your hopes and dreams no matter how idealistic they may be to make your own way under your own arms. Mom and Sid love Turquoise!

MAGENTA:  Magenta is the colour of non-conformist, cheerfulness, happiness, contentment and appreciation. It's a strong and inspiring colour. Magenta can promote depression and despair and prevent dealing with challenges. If you are a MAGENTA lover, you see life from a different point of view. Sandy's favourite colour.

SILVER: Silver associates with prestige and wealth. It illuminates and reflects the energy of those colours which surround it. If you are a SILVER lover, you are intuitive and insightful. You have a strong connection with higher spiritual guidance. I kinda love this colour! <3

GOLD: Gold is equated with sophistication, luxury, splendor and adds richness and warmth to everything with which it is associated. It is generous and giving and shares it's wisdom, knowledge and wealth with everyone. If your personality colour is GOLD, you radiate charisma, personality and individuality making others feel relaxed and valued in your company. I hate GOLD!

I show not your face but your heart's desire. Erised stra ehru oyt ube eafru oyt on wohsi.
- Mirror of Erised

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Life is always beautiful

Hating those who hate you than loving those who love you, isn't that common thing now? Everyone follows this.
And after doing so are all those people happy?
No! Later they start regretting whatever they've done in their life, and? Strong people try to MOVE ON while weak people end up their life!
Few years back, I used to feel the same. I used to waste my time on fighting with those jobless people who used to make my life as hell.
And yeah, I was also a person with a weak heart. When people blamed me for something or used to spread rumors about me I used to go home and cry at first and then go in search of the person who did it and then fight! And what did I get? Did the person stop doing that? No! Why will they ever listen to me?
The person will continue on with their lame job.  
You know what’s the problem with people like these? They don’t have something in their life which you have. They are just jealous!
When you go on fighting with them, what you’re not realizing is what you’re losing. So, next time when some gossip comes up, don’t freak out, just fold your hands and watch how cheap people can be instead of proving yourself innocent. Spend more time with people who care for you. Automatically their trust for you will increase. If a person says he/she trusts you but you feel they don’t, maybe it’s the way you see the person and it’s not the person’s fault.
Life is always beautiful! It’s just that at times you have to ignore the temporary pimples that grow on the beautiful YOU, to maintain your beauty learn to IGNORE things! :) 

I show not your face but your heart's desire. Erised stra ehru oyt ube eafru oyt on wohsi.
- Mirror of Erised

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 21st - End of the world?


Will our solar system cross the plane of our Milky way galaxy in 2012? 

No! The solar system will not cross the galactic plane on December 21st 2012 or any other date in 2012 or anytime soon. Sure, our Milky way galaxy is flat and round, like a pancake. And yeah, the sun does weave in and out of the galaxy's flat plane. However, astronomers have determined that we're currently moving away from, not towards the galactic plane. By astronomers estimates, our solar system last crossed the plane of the Milky way galaxy some 3 million years ago. We won't do so again for another 30 million years.

Griffith Observatory Director E.C. Krupp:
"The year 2012 is acting like a badly-behaved
celebrity. Frightful rumors and gossip are spreading
...None of it is true."

NASA Scientist Don Yeomans:

"Where is the science? Where is the evidence?
There is none, and all the passionate, persistent
and profitable assertions...cannot change
that simple fact."

NASA Scientist David Morrison:

"A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible.
It has never happened and never will."

- Mirror of Erised

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Strange month


1. Imagine yourself just going to sleep and you feel like something is wrong with your face. You look at yourself in the mirror and realize that your face doesn't look like yours. It looks more like a Donkey's face.
"Oh God!! Is this me?", I asked. Siddiqa staring at me with an unusual pause and said, "This isn't my Buthatha!", Siddiqa calls me Buthatha, Mom shocked and worried, while Dad didn't notice as he was busy on Beyluxe Messenger.
For few seconds it was just like a dream. I wished it was.
Running to the hospital at night? Oh no! It was a wish come true for my sisters who have always asked me to see a doctor. I H-A-T-E Docs. Whether they treat me or not. I just hate them.
This time, I couldn't make any kind of excuse. Off to the hospital.
The receptionist wrote my Sex as Male :3 as he heard my name. When he was leaving the hospital he asked dad "Where's your son?"
Back home, "I'm not going to school tomorrow! With this swollen face? No way!" But I did go to school the next day, only because of the sports selections that were going on in school.

That was my body's reaction to Fish. Yes, I am allergic to fish now.

 1. Two weeks later. While going to Sid's class '4A9' a girl just suddenly came running and caught my hand firmly as though she knew me and kept on saying 'Didi, Aap kahi math jaeye. Pls! Pls!' Sister, please don't go anywhere, please, please! (Hindi)
"Hey, Do I know you?" I asked, confused, the girl kept on repeating the same words 'Didi, Aap kahi math jaeye. Pls! Pls!'
She took me to her class, showed me her seat, lunch box and bag.
I was like, Why is she showing me her things? 
Wait! Who the hell is she?
She asked me to wait for her in her class and left. Well, I didn't wait, all I did was run away!

Weirdos everywhere.

3. The next week, during my 400 meter race, just before the finish line my legs just stopped. The next moment, I was on the ground. Just before the finish line! I could hear people shouting and screaming, while a girl just finished the race. I heard some teacher shout 'Come on! Shurooq, take two steps and you'll come at least third!' When I heard that, I got up. Took two steps and fell down again. But, I completed my race.
The next day, for Long Jump, it was more like 'roll on the stinky sand as long as you can.' There was cat poop in the sand and all the three times I jumped, I rolled on the sand.
The same day, for 200 meter race, I was all ready to run and get the trophy while listening to 'On your mark,' 'Get set,' as soon as I heard 'Go' I slipped.
Yeah, Unlucky.

4. Oh yeah, by the end of the month, I tried having Fish. Swollen Face again. :(

I hope something good comes up this month!

- Shark